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Items matching greyscale (results page 8)

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General Grant’s signature
Frontispiece: Alice and the White Knight
Fanny in the Library.
Initial Letter T Woodcut
Full-page holly and ivy border, US Letter sized
From Her Boy
Rococo headpiece
Title Page, New Testament
Irregular border of flowers, birds and nature
Title Page, Error’s Chains
Frontispiece: Portrait of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Ornate chapter headpiece with vignette of curled-up boy
Bookplate detail: family crest
Title Page, The Sun’s Babies
Title Page, the Leisure Hour
The front cover or title page of “Good Words” from 1872
Victorian vine-leaf page border
Title Page
Title Page, Pentateuch of Printing
Bishopric of St. Asaph
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Places Shown

St. Asaph; Flint; Wales