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Items matching colour taken from La Vita Nuova (The New Life) (1910) (results page 1)

colour: Images that are in colour, not just black and white or grey.
Synonyms: color

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Front Cover from La Vita Nuova
37.—Writing My Master’s Words
Untitled image, Mediaeval tower
Osanna in Excelsis
103. Sonnet Introduction Page
Sonnet Introduction Border
115. Love Hath So Long Possessed Me
Angel from page 115
51.—Serving at a Banquet
Border with troubadors and drolleries
Border detail: two-faced drollery
Border detail: Satyr or horned devil
Calligraphic initial leter T
Spirit Angels of Peace
Border with initial letter A
Angel playing the harp, attended by deer
Isolated Angel Drawing
116. Zodiac Wheel
Zodiac wheel from page 116
Zodiac with evangelists from p. 120
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