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Items matching colour taken from Ornamental Alphabets, Ancient and Mediæval (1879) (results page 1)

colour: Images that are in colour, not just black and white or grey.
Synonyms: color

Front Cover
Vintage ornate border
Vintage shabby-chic ornate full-page border
Back Cover
Title Page
Table of Contents
2.  8th Century.
3.  8th and 9th Centuries.  Anglo-Saxon.
17.—14th Century Illuminated MS.
34.  34.—16th Century.  Vatican.
51.—16th Century
Happy bashful fiery sun face drawing
52.—16th Century from Wood Engravings
53.—Mongrams, Crosses, etc. [overview]
53.1.—Cross of the Holy Name
53.7.—Clubs On Legs
53.19.—Decorative stylised tree (embossed leather version)
17.—14th Century Illminated MS., Simplified