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Items matching colour (results page 78)

colour: Images that are in colour, not just black and white or grey.
Synonyms: color

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Trump 10: Wheel of Fortune.
Trump 11: Strength.
Trump 12: Hanged Man.
Trump 13: Death.
Trump 14: Temperance.
Trump 17: Star.
Trump 18: Moon.
Trump 19: Sun.
Trump 20: Judgement.
Trump 21: World.
Trump 0 (or 22): Fool.
Cherubs carrying books
Cherubs on a book
Cherubs with Handprints
Old Books 2: Chambaud
Old Books 3: Chambaud Close-up
Old Books 1: Chambaud’s French/English Dictionary
New Testament
Title page and Frontispiece (Laws of the New Forest)
My Wandering Boy
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