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Items matching christmas (results page 1)

christmas: the supposed anniversary of the birth of Jesus, although since there were baby lambs it was more likely at Easter. Many of these christmas pictures would make good xmas clip-art or would be good on the front of a christmas card. Christmas is also known as Nöel or Yuletide.
Synonyms: xmas, noel

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Christmas Still Life
Letter “D” from 16th century book of hours
The Irmin Column in the Cathedral of Hildesheim
December Night (Dezembernacht)
Christmas Mass
Ornate Victorian Border
The Virgin Mary
Miniature painting of a scribe writing at a desk
Bottom border with angel
Choral Recital with the organ
Printer’s Ornament with harp and vine
The Angel Appears Unto Mary.
Scriptorium Monk at Work
The Virgin and Child
Choirboy singing from balcony pulpit
The Star of Bethlehem
S. Peter’s and Castel Sant’ Angelo From the Tiber
Angel of the New year
angel with violin
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Places Shown

Bethlehem; Palestine

Nazareth; Palestine

Rome; Italy