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Lynton, Lynmouth, Exmoor, Minehead and the Land of Lorna Doone (page 1/2)

[picture: Front Cover]

Pictures and words from A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Lynton, Lynmouth, Exmoor, Minehead and the Land of “Lorna Doone.” with new plans of Lynton and Lynmouth and Minehead; map of the district and map of North Devon. Published by Ward, Lock & Co. of London, 1910/1911.

This little series of guidebooks seems to have been very popular; it told the reader how to get to places using public transport, and in particular the railways, which was particularly useful in a time when most people were without cars.

I have marked it for non-commercial use because I’m not certain about the copyright status.

Title: Lynton, Lynmouth, Exmoor, Minehead and the Land of Lorna Doone

Author: unknown

Published by: Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd.

City: London

Date: 1910

Total items: 4

Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Plan of Lynton & Lynmouth [1910]]

Plan of Lynton & Lynmouth [1910]

A map of Lynton and Lynmouth in 1910 or perhaps a little before. It spans an area from Hollerday Hill in the West to the bridge at Woodside (Middleham) and beyond to the East, and to Lynton [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Front Cover]

Front Cover

Front cover. [$]

[picture: Plan of Minehead [1910]]

Plan of Minehead [1910]

A map of Minehead in 1910 or perhaps a little before. It shows the Great Western Railway Station and the Pier. Note that North is not at the top. [more...] [$]

[picture: Advert: Delightful Steamer Trips]

Advert: Delightful Steamer Trips

An advertisment from the beginning of the travel guide. [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

advertisements boats book covers colour maps page images transport

Places shown:

Devonshire ·Lynton ·Minehead ·Oxford ·Oxfordshire ·Somerset ·none

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