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high resolution print file ( image is taken from a table in the book; the images are repeated at the head and foot, and in fact differ very slightly in each place. I do not know whether they are made from type or, as seems more likely, the whole page is an engraving. I scanned the table heading at 3200 pixels per inch, so that the resulting images are large. I also made separate images for the individual icons: Aries (the ram)
Taurus (the bull)
Gemini (the twins)
Cancer (the crab)
Leo (the lion)
Virgo (the virgin)
Libra (the scales)
Scorpio (the scorpion)
Sagittarius (the archer, or centaur)
Capricorn (the goat)
Aquarius (the water-carrier)
Pisces (the fish, or fishes)
There is also another slightly different version of the twelve zodiac pictures.
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