Items taken from Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1736) (results page 1)

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134x200, 421x629, 561x838, 702x1048, 936x1397

Front Cover Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1736)

Like many antiquarian books from the eighteenth century, the front cover of Nathan Bailey’sUniversal Etymological Dictionaryis half-leather; that is, the spine and the fore-edge corners of the cover a [...]

Keywords: book covers, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2008-01-30

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

126x200, 494x781, 987x1562

Title Page: Bailey’s Universal Etymological Dictionary Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1736)

The title page of the dictionary:

title page transcription

Keywords: title pages, page images, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2008-01-30

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

100x83, 1110x919, 120x100, 158x131, 211x175, 242x200, 33x28, 375x310, 624x517, 64x53, 833x689

air (a) Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1736)

Air[inChymical Writers] is expressed by one of these Characters...

This is one of the chemical (or alchemical) symbols for air; see also the next image. See alsoAirin the dictionary itself.

Keywords: symbols, alchemy, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2007-09-24

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

100x93, 158x147, 211x197, 214x200, 30x28, 375x350, 558x521, 64x60, 744x695, 992x926

air (b) Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1736)

Air[inChymical Writers] is expressed by one of these Characters...

This is one of the chemical (or alchemical) symbols for air; see also the next image. See alsoAirin the dictionary itself.

Keywords: symbols, alchemy, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2007-09-24

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

108x200, 1318x2430, 407x750, 659x1215

Snow Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1736)

The 1736 definition for Snow includes explanations of why snow is white and why the sharp points of snowflakes don’t hurt when they land on our skin.The full definition...Snow is a moist vapour, eleva [...]

Keywords: snow, winter, page images, typography, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2014-03-06

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
