Items in Hungarton (results page 1)

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335.—The Great Chamber, Looking North.

1024x768, 1600x1200, 267x200, 800x600

335.—The Great Chamber, Looking North.English Homes Period III Vol. I, Late Tudor & Early Stuart (1558‒1649) (1922)

“It will be noticed that the ceiling is a reproduction of that in the ballroom at Knole (Fig. 294). The panelling is similar to that in the dining-room below, and all came out of the Quenby attics. It [...]

Keywords: interiors, ceilings, manors, furniture, wallpaper, backgrounds, greyscale

Places shown: Hungarton; Leicestershire; England

Added: 2006-01-12

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
