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Items matching foliated borders (results page 1)

foliated borders: Borders with leaves in them; ones with flowers are called floriated.
See also: floriated borders, borders

Title Page, Kelmscott Chaucer
Full-page arts and craft movement border
Full-page holly and ivy border, US Letter sized
Chapter-head with cherubs, flowers, vines and birds
892.—Oval Frame With Leafy Branches
Rustic floral border with trellis and grapevines
Foliated chapterhead with dragons
Full-page border with tiny vintage laurel leaves and hand-drawn box
Full-page border with ivy
Full-page brown and green border with ivy creeper
Ten-piece floral border, green and purple
Wide border with roses and leaves
Lines and Leaves Page Border
Decorative Border With Christian Saints
Art Nouveau Border with ivy leaves and face.
Atrolabe: scientist and boy
Chapterheads with cherubs, dragons, fish, neptune, flowers
Green leavy Victorian border of Irish shamrock
Oval shamrock border