Moderne Kunst in Meister-Holzschnitten Band VII (page 1/2)


Pictures from Moderne Kunst in Meister-Holzschnitten (Modern Art in Master Woodcuts), Bande VII (Volume 7), Berlin, 1893.

I bought this enourmous book from Antikvariát Dlážděná in Prague in 2016. It’s an “elephant folio” with pages measuring 410×290mm (roughly 11½×16 inches), including many engravings that fill the page or even double-page spreads and fold-outs.

Despite the title, the images are probably engraved on metal, because wood this size was hard to work with.

The date 1893 for this book is provisional; it could be a couple of years on either side.

Title: Moderne Kunst in Meister-Holzschnitten Band VII

Editor: Bong, Richard

Published by: Richard Bong

City: Berlin

Date: 1893

Total items: 10

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Summer Evening]

Summer Evening

Sommerabend, which is, Summer Evening, painted by Hermann Sschlittgen and shown at the Great Berlin Art Exhibition (der Grossen Berliner Kunstausstellung) in 1893. [more...]


[picture: German Coaching Inn]

German Coaching Inn

The illustration is from an article entitled Our German Weapons Students (Unsere deutschen Waffen-Studenten) and is entitled The Coming of the Sausages (Der Landjäger kommt), by A. Blunck, which i take to be August Blunck. [more...]


[picture: Strength and Cunning]

Strength and Cunning

Kraft ud List, which is, Strength (the lion) and Cunning (the demoness or harpy). [more...]


[picture: Horse Racing: Finish]

Horse Racing: Finish

It’s a horse race, and the two leading horses are coming towards us, neck and neck for a close finish.


[picture: Through Woods and Fields]

Through Woods and Fields

A young lady leans with one elegantly gloved hand on a wooden fence or stile, petting her black dog with the other hand. The dog rests its chin on the fence and has one paw through. The woman wears a green bonnet, a white blouse with purple slowers, and one of those large billowy dreses that are [...] [more...]


Tags in this source:

affection animals arches art bare feet beards blossom bonnets buildings carriages carts chains children chinese new year coins colour competition competitive corruption costumes death demons dogs elegance engagement excitement fantasy farming fences fields flowers galileo gossip green half-timbered buildings harvest hats history of science horse racing horses imaginary creatures inns interiors jockeys joy lanterns lions love men milton money motherhood mothers paintings parenting parks paths peasants people purple roads romance rumours science snow sporting events sports street scenes telescopes trees tudor architecture wheat wings women wonder

Places shown:

Germany ·Italy ·none

Pictures from Moderne Kunst in Meister-Holzschnitten (Modern Art in Master Woodcuts), Bande VII (Volume 7), Berlin, 1893.

I bought this enourmous book from Antikvariát Dlážděná in Prague in 2016. It’s an “elephant folio” with pages measuring 410×290mm (roughly 11½×16 inches), including many engravings that fill the page or even double-page spreads and fold-outs.

Despite the title, the images are probably engraved on metal, because wood this size was hard to work with.

The date 1893 for this book is provisional; it could be a couple of years on either side.

Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.