Sacred and Legendary Art (page 2/2)

[picture: St. Nicholas (Botticelli. Capitol, Rome)]

St. Nicholas (Botticelli. Capitol, Rome)

Saint Nicholas is remembered on the 6th of December. [more...]


[picture: St. Lawrence and St. Vincent]

St. Lawrence and St. Vincent

Saint Lawrence here is standing holding an open book which the young and beautiful Saint Vincent of Saragoosa is reading through half-lidded eyes. Saint Vincent is shown seated on a bench, one [...] [more...]


[picture: 145.---St. Justin and Alphonso I of Ferrara (Moretto)]

145.—St. Justin and Alphonso I of Ferrara (Moretto)

St. Justina is shown here with the unicorn, representing chasitity or virginity. The original painting by Bonvicino of Brescia (Il Moretto) was in Venice. This is the St, Justina of the Belvedere. [more...]


[picture: Kneeling unicorn]

Kneeling unicorn

A unicorn with beard, mane and horn kneels, looking to the right. [more...]


[picture: 149.---St. Cecilia (Raphael).]

149.—St. Cecilia (Raphael).

Saint Cecilia here stands in an old-fashioned dress and pleated apron, barefoot, with a music book and flute or recorder on the ground; she holds a hand-organ and aso [...] [more...]


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