Quiet Roads and Sleepy Villages (page 1/2)

[picture: Front Cover, Fea ``Quiet Roads and Sleepy Villges'', McBride, Nast & Co., New York, 1914]

Images from Quiet Roads and Sleepy Villages by Allan Fea (New York, 1914). I bought this book on eBay.

Title: Quiet Roads and Sleepy Villages

Author: Fea, Allan

Published by: McBride, Nast & Company

City: New York

Date: 1914

Total items: 8

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Frontispiece, Denchworth, hand coloured]

Frontispiece, Denchworth, hand coloured

This is a version of the Frontispiece sepia-tinted photograph of Denchworth that I coloured using The Gimp. [more...]


[picture: Water End]

Water End

“The village of Sandridge, close by [St. Albans], prides itself upon the honour of being “Mrs. freeman’s” birthplace, regardless of the fact that Burwell Park in Eastern Lincolnshire puts in a similar claim. The actual house in Hertfordshire, according to local traition, is Water End, a late Tudor house of the style rather prevalent in this part of the shire, stone mullions [...] [more...]


[picture: Title Page]

Title Page

The text reads: [more...]


[picture: Astwell Castle]

Astwell Castle

“Astwell Castle stands aloof from the road across some meadows. At the back of the old water-mill is a picturesque reed-grown stretch of water, and beyond on the higher ground may [...] Tudor building. Viewed from this distance, it looks quite like a bit of Haddon, but nearer inspection shows two distinct styles: the more grim Early Tudor of the tower, and the homelier-looking present dwelling portion with the usual Elizabethan gables and mullions. Some curious carved oak-work over the entrance gate is dated 1638, and above that, upon a shield of arms, is the year 1607, yet neither of these can be accepted as the period when the building was erected.” (p. 75) [more...]


[picture: Frontispiece: Denchworth]

Frontispiece: Denchworth

“Denchworth [...] is one of the prettiest villages hereabouts. What little there is of it consists of one short street lined mostly with timber framed and straw-thatched cottages. As one advances from the north and west further to the south-east, it is [...] place to the more snug-looking lath and plaster, half-timber, herring-bone red brick, and thatch. [more...]


Tags in this source:

abbeys arches backgrounds book covers buildings castles christmas churches colour entrances houses manors page images ruins spooky streets thatched cottages title pages towers trees villages wallpaper

Places shown:

Bedfordshire ·Berkshire ·Brackley ·Denchworth ·Elstow ·Hertfordshire ·Northamptonshire ·Sandridge ·none

Images from Quiet Roads and Sleepy Villages by Allan Fea (New York, 1914). I bought this book on eBay.

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