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Items taken from New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types (1840) (results page 1)

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136.—To Be Sold By Auction.
137.—To Be Sold.
138.—Auction and auctioneer.
140.—To be sold by Auction.
147.—Horse and trainer.
150.—Horce racing.
159.—Horse and Carriage.
160. – Horse and Carriage.
162.—Horse and Carriage.
166.—Two dogs in Scotland
267.—Country Dance
168.—Lovers in the bushes.
678.—Swallowtail Butterfly
885.—Tightrope artist with table and candles and dwarf.
887.—Men Skating At Night.
888.—Octagonal Border with starbursts.
890. – Dog.
892.—Oval Frame With Leafy Branches
893.—Border with Freemasonry Symbols.
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