Items in Dalkeith (results page 1)

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Mugo Glen

158x200, 686x868, 914x1157

Mugo GlenThe Life of Mansie Wauch (1911)

Mungo Glen was a boy apprenticed to Mansie Wauch (the fictional Scottish tailor) at the age of fourteen. “Fro the days in which he had lain in his cradle, [Mungo Glen] had been brought up in a remote [...]

Keywords: people, children, colour

Places shown: Dalkeith; Lothian; Scotland

Added: 2006-01-06

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

An Old Dalkeith Body

136x200, 460x676, 613x902, 817x1202

An Old Dalkeith BodyThe Life of Mansie Wauch (1911)

The darkness of the latter days came over my spirit like a vision before the prophet Isaiah; and I could see nothing in the years to come but beggary and starvation; myself a fallen-back old man, with [...]

Keywords: portraits, people, colour

Places shown: Dalkeith; Lothian; Scotland

Added: 2007-04-19

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
