Items in Celles-Houyet (results page 1)

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The Castle. Vève-Celles.

1052x1476, 142x200, 444x623, 592x830, 789x1107

The Castle. Vève-Celles.The Forest of Arden With Some of its Legends (1914)

“And there before you on the hill stands Vève-Celles, the castle, wth the curse upon it, the blasting curse of the Hunchback.” [...] Of course, after this we must go and see the Château of Vève-Celles [...]

Keywords: castles, towers, houses, sketches, greyscale

Places shown: Vève; Celles-Houyet; Belgium

Added: 2011-08-17

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
