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Endpaper: gold leaf with central British royal coat of arms
An Egyptian Priest and Scribe
An Owl in the Pope’s Council
Wooden Church, Greenstead, Essex, A.D. 1013 (as it was in 1748)
A Display of Manuscripts on Reading Desks.
Title Page
Summary of the Law, in gold
A genteel wheelchair in Paris
Cherub with grin and cloven hoofs
Title Page
Plate XIV—Chinese Dragon
Plate XXIV.—Knowledge Is Power
Fig. 86.—Curves.
Plate XVIII.—Stylized Chinese Dragon
Front Cover, Art of Decorative Design
And then began a murder, grim and great
Cupid with a Butterfly
December Night (Dezembernacht)
The Irmin Column in the Cathedral of Hildesheim
[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . . 210 211 212 next page

Places Shown

Al-Gib; Palestine


Greensted; Essex; England

Paris; Ile-de-France; France