Items in Shrewsbury (results page 1)

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1118x1646, 136x200, 559x823

Jacobean Houses in Frankwell, Shrewsbury English Homes Period III Vol. I, Late Tudor & Early Stuart (1558‒1649) (1922)

These houses were built some time after 1620, so they are after the Tudor period.

Keywords: tudor, houses, streets, windows, entrances, colour

Places shown: Shrewsbury; Shropshire; England

Added: 2004-03-04

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

130x200, 450x694, 600x926, 800x1234

Gable End, Shrewsbury. Art in England During the Elizabethan and Stuart Periods (1908)

The gable-end post is at one end of the roof; this one has a figure, probably female, on the top, standing on a face, with a coiled rope carved beneath that, and a smiling bearded man’s face at the bo [...]

Keywords: gothic architecture, architecture, carving, statuary, faces, beards, greyscale

Places shown: Shrewsbury; Shropshire; England

Added: 2012-06-27

Image status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required
