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Items matching romance (results page 1)

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Full-page border with bird, flowers, ivy
The Rose of the South (Portrait)
Front Cover, Moderne Kunst 14
The thoughts of my spirit seek you
Flying cherub firing an arrow
My Wandering Boy
The lovers, wallpaper edition, from page 501
Bottom border with angel
Page 483: Troilus and Criseyde, Book 2 page image
The Kiss: the two lovers in the bedroom, a woodcut from page 501.
Music: detail: cherub with violin
Cupid and rose briar
Border of Roses and Thorns
angel with violin
The Deceiver: Grania and Verney in the Garden
Decorated (Historiated) initial letter B by Valerio Spada
Printer’s ornament with birds
Cupid with a Whip!
Four Cherubs With Garlands, Ribbons and Flowers
Ornate Victorian border or frame
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