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Items matching book covers (results page 3)

book covers: the outside of a book, either the front of the book or the spine, showing the binding and any decoration or lettering. Note that older books, especially before 1800 or so, were usually sold unbound: when you bought a book you took it to a book binder, who would make a cover to order, usually to match the other books you owned.
Synonyms: front covers

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Front Cover, Lucille
Front cover
Front Cover
Front Cover in blue and gold.
Front Cover, The Lost Boy
Front Cover for English Cathedrals
Front Cover
Front Cover, Fabiola
Front Cover
Front Cover
Front Cover
Front Cover, Family Book
Front Cover
Front Cover of the 1770 Encylopædia Britannica
Front Cover, Grose’s Antiquities of England and Wales, Vol I
Front Cover
book cover
Front Cover
Front Cover, Venice
Front Cover, Benson Stock Images
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