close-up of the engraving on the title pagedetails

[Picture: close-up of the engraving on the title page]
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page images, alphabets, typography, colour

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Image title: close-up of the engraving on the title page
Source: Brown, Dan.: “Oratio Dominica: The Lord’s Prayer in above 100 Languages, Versions and Characters” (1713)
Place shown: none
Keywords: page images, alphabets, typography, colour
Status: out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
Please do not redistribute without permission, since running this site is expensive.
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Filename: orationis-title-page-979x731.jpg
Scanner dpi: 300
Unmarked: You can get a version of this image without the watermark at the lower right corner by requesting it here; The images are watermarked to help people find where they came from if they get reposted to blogs or other sites. Images under 1200 pixels on a side are still free, although I will ask for a donation :-)
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