Pictures from The Pentateuch of Printing with a Chapter on Judges by William Blades (1824 – 1890), Typographer, Chicago, 1891; I have added the captions.
Title: Pentateuch of Printing with a Chapter on Judges
Published by: A.C.M. McCLVRG & Co.
City: Chicago
Date: 1891
Total items: 21
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Floriated fruit-bowl ornament, coloured
This woodcut design was used as a decorative ornament on the title page of the Life of William Caxton edited by John Lewis. I have coloured it with vintage pastels. [more...]
[$]“When the end of a line was reached, and there was no room for more words and yet some space left, the compositor by placing a little extra space between the words made the line fill out the stick. This was called ‘justifying” the line. Each line was lifted out of the stick and placed on a wooden board; thus line after line was [...] [more...]
[$]Pictures from The Pentateuch of Printing with a Chapter on Judges by William Blades (1824 – 1890), Typographer, Chicago, 1891; I have added the captions.
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