Items in Cannock Chase (results page 1)

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117.—Mantelpiece in the Gallery

1145x1482, 154x200, 483x625, 644x834, 859x1112

117.—Mantelpiece in the GalleryEnglish Homes Period III Vol. I, Late Tudor & Early Stuart (1558‒1649) (1922)

Beaudesert was largely demolished in 1936, although the ruins are still there. The building dated from the 15th century, with 16th century additions. This photograph must have been taken not long be [...]

Keywords: interiors, fireplaces, paneled walls, manors, greyscale

Places shown: Cannock Chase; Staffordshire; England

Added: 2009-10-21

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
