Turrets Towers and Temples

Images from Turrets Towers and Temples – The Great Buildings of the World, as Seen and Described by Famous Writers edited and translated by Esther Singleton.

The book was published before 1922 in the USA and is out of copyright.

Front Cover

Front Cover
The front cover is green with gold foil.

333x500 (42K), 813x1221 (164K)
St. Mark's.

St. Mark’s.
St Mark's Cathedral, Venice, Italy.

500x363 (44K), 864x627 (124K), 1152x836 (192K), 1536x1115 (409K, quality 85)
The Cathedral of York

The Cathedral of York
Better known today as York Minster. The cathedral church of St. Peter was founded in the 7th century; the present building was begun in 1172, but took 300 years to complete. [more...]

500x308 (44K), 1186x731 (221K)
Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle
This shot really brings out the size of the castle, the largest occupied castle in the world and still today a royal palace.

500x309 (25K), 1189x735 (107K)
The Cathedral of Lincoln.

The Cathedral of Lincoln.
``The greater part of the front may be as old as the time of its founder, Bishop Remigius,ยน at the end of the Eleventh Century'' (p. 132) [more...]

334x500 (37K), 471x706 (66K), 629x943 (117K), 839x1257 (226K, quality 85), 1119x1676 (334K, quality 85)
The Tower of London

The Tower of London
The main keep (the White Tower) was probably build around 1070, so it'll be having its thousandth birthday soon.

499x308 (33K), 906x559 (106K), 1208x745 (164K)
Mosque of Cordova

Mosque of Cordova
The interior of the great Mosque of Cordova, the La Mezquita. Abd al-Rahman I began construction in A.D. 785 (give or take a year). The stones are actually red and white. The building was [...] [more...]

500x375 (48K), 640x480 (73K), 800x600 (109K), 1024x768 (156K), 1600x1200 (313K) (wallpaper)
The Alhambra

The Alhambra
``When you issue from these dark passages into this large space flooded with light, the effect is similar to that produced by a diorama. You can almost fancy that an enchanter's wand has transported you to the Orient of four or five centuries ago. Time, which changes everything [...] [more...]

500x315 (53K), 829x522 (131K), 1080x680 (197K), 1440x900 (312K), 1680x1050 (386K), 1920x1200 (461K)

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