Inclination, or Propensity [in Painting and Sculpture]

Inclination, or Propensity [in Painting and Sculpture]
is represented by a Woman cloath’d in Black and White, having on her Head two Stars, one bright, and the other faint; in one Hand, a Nosegay of Roses, and in the other Thorns; with Wings at her Feet.

Definition taken from The Universal Etymological English Dictionary, edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)

Inciˊding Medicines * Incombuˊstible Cloth
Iˊmages [in Poetry]
Iˊmage [in Physics]
Iˊmage [in Opticks]
Iˊmages [in Discourse]
Impediaˊti Canes [Law Rec.]
Impeˊrial Lily
Impeˊrial Table
Imperiaˊli [with Moralists]
Inch of Candle, or Sale
Inciˊding Medicines
Inclination, or Propensity [in Painting and Sculpture]
Incombuˊstible Cloth
Inconstancy, or Inconstantness [in Painting and Sculpture]
Incubus [with Physicians]
Indoˊcibleness, or Indo’cilness, or Indoci’lity
Injury [in Sculpture or Painting]
Instinct [in Painting and Sculpture]