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half-title page, Oratio Dominica

Oratio Dominica

The Lord's Prayer, in many languages

These are pages scanned from a 1713 copy of the book. More details appearing here as I find the time.

If there is any page you would like scanned that I have not, or if you would like a higher resolution scan of any page, let me know.

There was also a fascinating insert in the back of this book, comparing various forms of the alphabet; there are images here.

I am interested in making transcriptions of these pages, either in Latin 1 or in Unicode; if you can help with any of that, contact me.

If the PNG images don't work for you, there are also JPEG ones.

I also have a copy of Fry's Pantographia of 1799, which has 320 pages, but it's too long for me to scan now. If you are interested, I could scan the pages pertaining to any given language.


title page
      close-up of the engraving
Lecturo: Preæsiscine.
Collectores versionum Orationis Dominicæ: contributors
01 Classes Lingularum
02 Classes Linguarum
03: index 1/2
04: index 2/2
05: Græca, Textus Authenticus
      ((JPEG image showing page texture)
06: Græca è Dialectis constructa; Græca Barbara
07: Græca Barbara alia.
08: Græca Metrica
09: Hebraica
10: Eadem charactere Samaritano
11: Chaldaica
12: Syriaca, Charactere vulgato
13: Coptica
14: Æthiopica
15: Amharica
16: Arabica
17: Persica
18: Turcica
19: Tartarica
20: Malaica
21: Gothica
22: Runica
23: Islandica
24: Slavonica, Cyrllic
25: Coptica quasi Antiqua; Angolana
26: Melindana, Abessinorum
27: Malabarica
      27, 3.5MByte scan
28: Brachmanica
29: Sinica
30: Lectio Mandarinica
31: Giorganica
32: Siamica, Madagascarica
33: Latina; Alia Versio, à Seb. Castaliona
34: Gallica, Italica
35: Forojuliana, Rhætica seu Grisonum.
36: Catalanica, Hispanica
37: Sardica, ut in Oppidis loqu., Sardica ut in Pagis (JPEG, includes p.36)
38: Lusitanica; Biscaina, sive Canabrica
39: Berriensis, Valachica
40: Dalmatica, Croatica
41: Servica, Carnorum
42: Lusatica, Livonica
43: Esthonica, Lituanica
44: Finnonica, Lapponica
45: Wallacia, Hungarica
46: Germanica Antiqua, Germanica alia.
47: Germanica Hodierna, Helvetica
48: Svecica, Norwegica
49: Belgica, Saxonica
50: Britannica Vetus., Britannica Moderna
51: Britannica Aremoricana, Alia Versio
      pp50,51 (200K jpg image)
52: Cornubica, Waldensi
53: Anglo-Saxonica
54: Anglo-Saxonica altera vetustior
55: Scotia Meridionalis, Danica
56: Geldrica, Frisica
57: Hibernica
58: Polonica, Bohemica
59: Slavonica Charactere Hieronymiano
60: Syriaca Charactere Estrangelo
61: Armenica
62: Formosana, japanica & Tungkingensis
63: Mexicana, Poconchi
64: Virginiana, Philosophica
65: Philosophica altera., Orcadica
66: Monensis, Anglica Vetus (Wycliff Bible, 1380).
67: Anglica Vetus, Anglica Hodierna
68: Anglicaaltera Vetustior ... 1157
69: Versio Cl. Viri Jo. Checi, Edvardi VI. Præceptoris Eruditissimi.
70: Additamentm: Pater Per omnes hasce, aliasq; Linguas.
71 (continued)

A book-seller's catalogue gave the following description for another copy of the same edition; my copy doesn't have the same hand-written note, of course.

Oratio Dominica. Polygamattos Polymorphos (Greek Letter). Nimirum, Plus Centum Linguis, Versionibus, Aut Characteribus Reddita & Expressa. Editio Novissima, Speciminibus Variis Quam Priores Comitatior.

Small 4to. (6) + 71 (ie 72)pp. Allegorical engraved title-page vignette. 3 plates in text (for 'Brachmanica', 'Sinica' & 'Gjorganica' versions). The Lord's Prayer printed in more than one hundred languages, often with accompanying phonetic reading version. A ms. note on front endpaper presumably written by William R. Williams (New York 1868) whose inscription appears at top corner of title-page, states that the 'present is an enlarged edition of the First Edition' which 'had become rare & high priced'. In 1715 an Amsterdam reprint of this edition gave the editor's name as 'John Chamberlayne' (d. 1724). Another note in the same hand suggests the editor was an Irish Catholic mercenary employed by the Duke of Savoy in the Waldensian massacres (p52-the 'Waldensis' version is in fact Irish). On pp64 and 65 are two forms from the projected 'Universal, Philosophical Language' of Dr Wilkins. The work is essentially a display of fine printing types; some 90 translations of the word 'Father' are given at end. Early calligraphic ownership signature of 'Thomas Blyth