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Early Victorian Border from Book Coverdetails

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Rare and Antiquarian 234x60
Image title: Early Victorian Border from Book Cover
Source: Abell, Mrs. L. G.: “Gems by the Way-Side: An Offering of Purity and Truth” (1878)
Place shown: none
Keywords: borders, greyscale
Status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required
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This Victorian decorative border is taken from the cover of the book; it features flowers and berries. Note that it is made from eight separate pieces that you could move around if you wanted: for example, to make a square border, remove the centre pieces from ether side. The design had an extra thick rectangular box around it originally, and that would help it, but on the actual book cover it wasn’t in good enough condition to retain.

Note: I redrew this image based on the original design. Contact me before using it commercially.

Filename: tn/000-front-cover-border-bw-q90-300x500.jpg
Scanner dpi: 800
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