Cousin, Victor (17921867)

Cousin, Victor, a French philosopher, born in Paris; founder of an eclectic school, which derived its doctrines partly from the Scottish philosophy and partly from the German, and which Dr. Chalmers in his class-room one day characterised jocularly as neither Scotch nor German, but just half seas over; he was a lucid expounder, an attractive lecturer, and exerted no small influence on public opinion in France; had a considerable following; retired from public life in 1848, and died at Cannes; he left a number of philosophic works behind him, the best known among us “Discourses on the True, the Beautiful, and the Good” (17921867).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Courtrais * Cousin Michael
[wait for the fun]
Councils, Church
Courbet, Gustave
Courier, Paul Louis
Court de Gébelin
Courtney, William
Courtois, Jacques
Cousin, Victor
Cousin Michael
Cousins, Samuel
Couthon, Georges
Coutts, Thomas
Couza, Prince
Covenant, Solemn League and
Covenant, The National