Air pump

Air pump a Machine or Instrument contrived to extract or draw the Air out of proper Vessels. See Pump.

Definition taken from The Universal Etymological English Dictionary, edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)

To Air * Airy Meteors [with Astronomers]
Aiguiˊsce, or Aigui’sse, or Agui’sse [in Heraldry]
Aiguisce, or Eiguisce [in Heraldry]
Air [in Chymical Writers]
Air [in Horsemanship]
Aˊiriness [of Air]
High Airs
Air [with Anatomists]
Air [with Musicians]
To Air
Air pump
Airy Meteors [with Astronomers]
Airy Triplicity [with Astrologers]
Alembick [in Chymical Writers]
Alexaˊndrine [with Poets]
Numeral Algebra, or Vulgar Algebra
Literal Algebra, or Specious Algebra
Alleˊrions [in Heraldry]